When Rover Roams: Our 6 Best Tips for Bringing Your Lost Pet Home Safely


When Rover Roams: Our 6 Best Tips for Bringing Your Lost Pet Home Safely

Maybe he scaled a fence that you were sure was high enough. Maybe she slipped out when your child held the door open a little too long. Maybe he yanked the leash out of your grasp in pursuit of a small animal. Maybe thunder sent her running off in a panic, faster than you could catch her.

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The 4th of July - Not So Festive for Pets: How to Keep Them Relaxed and Stress-free During Holiday Celebrations


The Fourth of July is one of the most stressful and potentially dangerous times of the year for pets.  While you and your family, friends, and neighbors are celebrating the holiday with fireworks, pets are finding these festive activities anything but celebratory.

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Lovely Lawn, Healthy Pet . . . Can You Have Both?


Lovely Lawn, Healthy Pet

It’s springtime again! That special season when friendly, charming young men show up at people’s doors to disapprove of their lawns and then offer them weeding and pesticide services.

When asked if their products are safe for pets they always say,  “Why, of course!”

It can be tempting to sign on the dotted line. Who wouldn’t want a lush, vibrant lawn? And the products are safe, right?

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