Pet Friendly Travel Blog

TripsWithPets Blog

Whether you're planning a trip with your pet, moving with them, or anything in between, our blog is your go-to resource for travel tips and informative insights. From packing essentials to pet-friendly accommodations, we’ve got you covered. Explore our latest posts below and make the most of your adventures together!

It’s that time of year again – when our thoughts turn to routine lawn care. After all, the weeds are back out in full force, and trouble spots crop up every time we mow. We wander through the garden aisles, comparing endless shelves of products. We listen patiently to the friendly, charming young...
Maybe he scaled a fence that you were sure was high enough. Maybe she slipped out when your child held the door open a little too long. Maybe he yanked the leash out of your grasp in pursuit of a small animal. Maybe thunder sent her running off in a panic, faster than you could catch her. Losing...
It’s an annual tradition - celebrating the 4th of July and our country’s independence. We anticipate the joyous celebrations surrounding this day, such as cookouts, parades and of course, fireworks.  Unfortunately what we find festive and fun, our pets find scary and stressful. While we’re...
Author: Lenny Kompara   Every dog is different, but generally speaking no, not all dogs can swim. There are dogs that are “designed” for being in the water but they avoid it at all costs. And some pups that are not physically suited for water may love it, despite their incompatibilities. There are...
As pet parents hit the road with their furkids this summer, they’re looking for places to stay that truly welcome their whole family. This includes not only seeking out pet-friendly accommodations, but those that offer above-and-beyond perks for their pets.   Survey reveals pet amenities are a...
We know it’s time to scrub our pooches down when they roll in something questionable, or when their natural funk makes us less-than-eager to cuddle them. But how often should we bathe our furkids on a regular basis? An essential part of pet care Regular bathing doesn’t just improve your pet’s odor...
Nothing like boating with your furry first mate by your side! A time for escaping the world for a bit and bonding with your pet. Some boaters are old pros at "cruising" with pets, while others are just getting started. No matter where YOU land,  it's always a good idea to review best practices for...
From pet travel advice, to travel accessories, to pet-friendly hotel recommendations, it would seem that when people talk about traveling with pets, they mean “dogs only, cats need not apply.” Naturally, some cat parents end up wondering whether it’s reasonable, or even possible to travel with...
Why did you book your last pet-friendly hotel stay? We posed this question to our site visitors, social media followers, and our #Road Trip members. We wanted to know what motivates folks to get out and hit the road with their dogs, cats, or other furkids.   We had over 400 respondents...and we're...
Americans love their pets–now more than ever. Seventy percent of us have one or more pets at home, and collectively, we spend more on our four-legged companions than we ever have before. Our pets are an integral part of our lives, and companies are taking notice, especially in the hospitality...
